Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Collections 01 by Teebs (2011)

Kind of Like: Nujabes, Flying Lotus, Air France
Genres: Electronica, Hip Hop
Buy: Discogs
Preview: Grooveshark

Teebs is skateboarder Mtendere Mandowa.  He ended up meeting Flying Lotus and Samiyam at an event, and eventually immersed himself into that style of music.  An achille's injury led him to focus more on music, and he ended up rooming with Flying Lotus and Samiyam.  The  result was some really smooth, intelligent jams.  I have been hooked on his material since it got recommended to me through last.fm.  Think more along the lines of peaceful yet rhythmic music like Nujabes instead of Flying Lotus's more disjunct, aggressive style.

On a more serious note, if you are an american citizen, I really hope you guys take the time to vote.  I know many of us feel very apathetic and insignificant about politics, but even if you don't pick a president, there are still a variety of important state amendments on the ballot that will have an immediate and noticeable effect on you.

Listen Here:

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