Saturday, July 16, 2011

(Classic) The RX Bandits

Kind of Like: The Sound of Animals Fighting, Mars Volta, Streetlight Manifesto, Portugal. The Man
Genres: Progressive, Rock, Indie, Experimental, Ska/Reggae
Preview: Bandcamp

I'll never forget the first time I was exposed to the RX Bandits.  I was in the car with two friends and my girlfriend at the time, and we had just smoked.  We were sitting in the parking structure in downtown Plymouth, and my friend put in ...And The Battle Begun.  I was instantly blown away.  I found The Resignation and I was blown away further.

These are two albums that I still listen to to this day.  I am also including the albums Progress and Mandala.  Progress was the album before Resignation, and it was their first material that began to drift away from the ska/punk band they used to be.  They were becoming progressive, rockier, and somewhat mathier.  Mandala was their most recently released album, and although it is a pretty good album (it has a few really good songs on it), it really doesn't compare to the two albums before that.  I have seen them several times live, and one of their shows was where I got to see Maps & Atlases for the first time.  I have been meaning to make a classic post for them awhile, but I especially did it now because I am going to their final show in Detroit this week.  If you have never heard of or seen them before, I recommend you see them on their farewell tour.  Download the albums, get hooked on them, and experience them live.  They are certainly a jam band; they tend to mix their songs together.  They will jump from one song to another then back to the first, and it makes for a very entertaining and pleasurable experience.

Listen Here:
Progress (2001)

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